God's Timeline

Today I’m in a very peaceful place. A snug little screened in porch, with a nice fire going on a rainy morning. I am here trying to understand how and why the love of God has affected my life in so many wonderful ways. 

As I look back over my past thirty-seven years of sobriety trying to do the next right thing, I see how very kind our God is. In just a few days I’ll be getting a response from my cancer team. They will be telling me what condition my condition is in after the seven week regimen and a few weeks of recovery. I feel well and I pray God has done yet another undeserved miracle in my life. 

It’s nothing short of amazing how He has brought me to this place where my life has turned around. It’s funny, because it feels like it just happened without my doing anything. In reality, what it has been, is millions of tiny decisions, in all those present moments over all the years of trying to do the next right thing. That cumulative effect, in anyone at all, creates a God directed life which always take us closer to our divine earthly purpose or, if you like, heaven on earth. With continued willingness, even more revelation can come about hopefully bringing acceptance of Christ to gain our critical everlasting destiny and heavenly home. 

It still seems so incredible for me, for I was the one who was running away from God as far as I possibly could. Then, at that blessed moment, true clarity arrived. Thank you Jesus for your amazing, ginormous, immutable Love for us! 

You are the blessed God we serve!

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