The Invisible Line

Years ago I was in Nashville fortunate to be working with an Grammy award winning producer on “ The Invisible Line.” I have had some time in recovery since that release to reflect on it.  Today I believe that when we are so caught up in self, so as to cross that invisible line and march into that dark dangerous neighborhood, we are completely on our own, where only two options are possible. 

  1. We continue to drink and drug until we become constitutionally incapable and then unwittingly give ourselves over to the dark side. Or…
  2. On our way deeper into that black hole, we may gain understand that “Pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth.” That is, as we take ourselves to a point of incomprehensible demoralization where we may have a moment of true realization. At that point we may repent and perhaps survive if we do not return.

F.Y.I .Scripture says to return back into that darkness is seven times as bad. I have witnessed that many times in the lives of others and can say without a doubt that that IS, the way it is. Strange as it may seem, God must permit that place to be. For unless someone is able to choose of their own free will, what is right, just and pure then love cannot be. As we all know, you can’t make people love, they must allow it.

Most people in recovery have come from the opposite place. While many are looking for the gates of heaven to open up and let them in, for us, before recovery, we desperately needed the gates of hell to open up to let us out!  To come into any new place you must leave the old one behind. Sounds simple, but sometimes not so easy when you have spent so much time there. As weird as it sounds, many are afraid to move back across that invisible line into God’s neighborhood of light and love because it seems so foreign and undeserved. 

My friends that is the darkness telling you another lie. 

Know this…

Nothing can ever be further from the truth than simply another lie from Satan.

The truth…

God loves us, is for us and if you are willing to forgive, he will render you white as snow.

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