This online resource is completely free, simple to use, and designed only to help you, help others around the world who are trapped in the scourge of  addiction. If you have a loved one, family member, or are simply sponsoring another suffering addict or alcoholic, we pray this musical resource will help you make a difference. 

As it works in the rooms of recovery, so it works here. We reach others through a different medium... song.  Just review some of our “songs ” and find the one work thats right for them. Any of our individual musical works can be shared instantly by touching the share link to the right of the audio file. If you want to send lyrics as well as the song, simply touch the word  LYRICS  on the song file and then touch the word  SHARE  on the lyric page. Share on social media, e mail or copy the link and message directly. All songs are different. May we suggest a short prayer before sending your selections. Just simply ask the Lord to reach their hearts and minds today and overcome their spiritual malady

The Step Tri-Angles link ...

Our collection of three song step EP's. Total run time for these individual EP's is about 10 minutes. The entire EP can be shared by touching the share link at the top. All EP's play independently and are updated throughout the year as our new music may create a better fit for that individual step. In the year 2023 we will be adding a short discussion section on each EP to bring new insight and understanding to the step.

The Dark World link...

Is filled with songs we have created about issues of evil we have discerned as world problems that need to be understood, investigated  and corrected by all of us and world governments. While listening, simply select a starting song and the rest will play continuously over time.

The Opus Link ...

Is our catalogue of songs that we have written and produced over the years about the problems and solutions of recovery. While listening, simply select a starting song and the rest will play continuously over time.

Wishing you the very best in recovery,

The iWorldband