Another Bozo on the Bus

Yes, indeed I am!

Human, born of a “ sin nature.” Almost lost my life following darkness. By God’s Blessed Grace, here on this bus of recovery with all the rest just like me. Wondering will I muster enough faith to stay in my seat with everyone else or, will I get off at the next bump in the road and stumble my way alone in the dark world for twenty years like last time?


I ask myself the big question…

Where is this bus going? 

Is this bus really gonna take me where everyone sezs it will? Take me to a place beyond my wildest dreams? 

…sup wit dat?

Speaking as someone who has been on that bus for thirty-seven years, I can tell you the answer is YES! Simple but not easy yet, over time, IF you stay and do the work and accept life on life’s terms, here is what you will experience. A wonder-filled existence here on earth with amazing new freedom and a true divine inner-purpose of peace, serenity and Love.

Believe it or not.

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