Does Believing Make It So?

The “WE” of recovery is certainly focused on the spiritual. As I have come to, over many years, by the Grace of Christ, I have gained His revelation. Now, I have a new joy in my heart that was never there before. It’s wonderful but, how did it really happen? 

It happened through belief. 

Sitting here in front of my fire, alone, in these wee hours of the morning it has come to me that although we cannot manifest instantly in the material world perhaps we can indeed manifest instantly by our believing will’s in the spiritual realm. 

The word believe, as I search it’s latin origins, is sort of like… Be Live. As tiny flecks of Godlike human flesh maybe it could be sort of like God when he said “let there be…” Perhaps we can do that with God’s help in the spiritual realm. As I think back of my many times of spiritual need, by asking for spiritual help and believing, it seemedto always come.. Of course the request had to be sincere and from the heart but, isn’t  that simply what true belief is?


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