
Something we must all go through from time to time but it’s not a place to live. We all have divine purpose that needs to be fulfilled and to accomplish that, we must continue to strive ahead. It is never to ignore or to try and sidestep grief. We need to go through it, but we cannot allow it to paralyze us no matter how devastating it may seem. 

Alone grief can be a powerful foe, but by using community, we will find  many others that are dealing with even more difficult situations. As they say, “ You are not alone.” Your attendance at these groups can help lift others up and out of their depressive states while also dramatically helping you.

Needless to say alcohol or drugs is never a solution here. Exercise, good diet and taking care of oneself is the very best. Getting enough sleep is also a great healthy remedy for overcoming the blues. 

Grief has a way of its own, in that sometimes, we get through it quickly, while other times it never seems to go away. We must not fight it, but allow it to take its course all the while remembering to keep taking care of ourselves and those around us that depend on us. 

Grief is something we all have to experience from time to time. Keep in mind that grief is simply the result of our ability to love deeply, and that my friends, is something anyone of us can be proud of.

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