In the twinkling of an eye

Life changes so much as time passes. Now my life depends on medications, before I never took a pill. Many good friends around the world reaching end of life as I am, all in their own unique situations. Most of us I think, cannot believe how life has changed so dramatically. Now we find ourselves in these places that seem so far removed from where we thought we would be.  

We are all trying to stay alive and hopefully planning for an orderly death to bless all involved as we can. Living at such a crazy time as this in the United States. Thank God for faith! We want to affect change, but their isn’t enough gas left in the tank. It’s all up to the younger. I pray the world will be a safe place for them to live and bring up their young but, from my view it doesn’t look loo promising. I guess in a lot of ways I don’t get this generation but some things never change… like TRUTH!

With God’s help it will all work out ok for me if I simply stay responsible and do the next right thing in front of me. It may seem easy to some to fade away into an alcoholic daze at these end of days. Yet, when you have been blessed by God Grace to remain sober for so long and able to personally witnessed all the wonderful things God has done in my life, how could I possible turn my back on Him now. 

The funny thing is, it will all change again, to the point that I will not even recognize the here and now I am present in. Yes indeed, yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery. Need to stay faithful, follow His way and be grateful, for at this stage of life

I’m getting closer every moment.

Soon in the twinkling of an eye 

I will be with Him… 


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