New Drug?

Like my old friend Georgi use to say.. “Changing your drug of choice is like changing seats on the Titanic.. Baby your still goin down,” 

Especially Today!

I have good friend who is a regional mental health professional and has been one for many years. He explained to me the other day that Fentanyl now is very prevalent and found in almost every version of “street” drug. Easy to understand, with our national southern border left wide open by our own government!

The moral to this story is.. IF you gotta do it, be sure your drugs are coming from a legit source or a formal dispensary, because the cartel’s run the streets in this country and they are pushing that super addictive, lethal “Toe Tag Dope” FYI, They are  also expert at counterfeiting pharmaceutical’s and psychotropic’s.

As you will learn, if you do not already know. Complete abstinence is the only way for us. Anything else will just lead you back, over time, to your drug of choice. As they told me, if you go back out.. “It always gets worse, never better” 

Keep in mind… That’s only IF you survive, otherwise it’s just gonna be too damned bad.

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