Not Hurting Anyone?

RIGHT… your alcoholism effects everybody, especially those you SHOULD “Love” the most. 

Lets take this thinking a bit further. 

You, most likely, had been effected by someone else’s alcoholism. Brought to you usually through family first, then “friends”. Maybe a better term might be drinking buddies. I might add here, those folks were probably sought out by you in your addiction.

The good news is that when the drinking and drugging stop, the odds of a life free of this fatal addiction carrying forward through the family is dramatically improved. Not to say you won’t see it in future generations, because it seems to be a genetic trait but, with abstinence, there is real hope of avoidance for even potential alcoholics.

Take it from us…

Your health and the well-being of your family is far better off without the drink, than with it.

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