

The capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties. 

The ability of an object to spring back into shape.

A friend gave me this word the other day and asked me how I thought it would worked in recovery. It reminded me of the bit I heard of the wild stallion…

You could see Him off in the distance. On top of the mountain. Reared up on two legs clawing and snorting at the sky, cool to look at but, what good is he really? Without being broken you can’t catch him, you can’t ride him. You can’t utilize him in any way and he’ll probably get picked off by a pack of wolves in the winter.

For us in addiction it’s not not much different. With our ego’s crammed in high gear under the influence, we are unable to reason properly. In denial, we continue on until the bitter end unless we BECOME broken and come for help into the rooms of the broken hearted. 

Being broken doesn’t mean you can’t get fixed. On the contrary, brokenness is a requirement to achieve the solution. After all, how else can you solve a glaring difficulty if you don’t  believe you have one? As I have heard so many times in the rooms… “I didn’t know, I didn’t know.” Not until that moment of clarity did any of us realize how lost we truly were. So lost we didn’t know we’re lost!

But… Where do we go from here?

The individual needs to seek help from others who have recovered from that same illness. To spend a small fortune on a shrink that has not actually been though what you have, when the rooms are free and full of people who have, is foolish. Come in and receive our experience, not someones opinion. 

What you will learn among many things is the ability to be resilient. You will learn H.O.W. to live and eventually how to give. You will over time become “comfortable in your own skin.” As you go through the one-eighty you become who you really are without that dark spiritual influence. Over time a divine, balanced self love will materialize. THAT, had always been our problem with relationships. Think about it… How could you love another, when we didn’t even love yourself?

To sum things up best, a new musical friend I met in my morning group put it this way…“Trying to understand all of the true ramifications of recovery, is like trying to play Beethoven’s 9th symphony with a stick and a trash can.”

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